Knitting Tips by Judy
Getting Started
How To


Basic Stitches
More Tips
Charity Knitting
About Me



About Me

My career started when I  was 13 years old, many years ago, in Indianapolis, Indiana.  My mother  took me to the neighborhood knitting shop where, for the first time, I saw walls filled with yarns of all colors and women sitting around a table knitting.  

Everyone was totally involved in their projects.  It looked like fun and  something I would like to do too.   So we bought some yarn and  needles and I learned to  hand knit and I've never  stopped. 

I knitted for my boyfriend in High School, I knitted for my friends, I knitted for my babies when they came along, and for everyone else's babies too.  I knitted for charity bazaars, for raffles.  I kept on knitting. 

Eventually I opened a yarn/craft shop in Massachusetts.  I gave knitting lessons, sold yarn and other craft supplies and continued to knit. 

I moved to Hollywood and knew someone who was working on a TV Show.  She invited me to come to the set to show my stuff.  I went to the set with my basket of one of a kind hand knits of my own design and the Costume Designer bought them all!  That was over 30 years ago and I've been knitting for the movies and TV ever since. 

I also had, but no longer have, a wholesale business.   For years Topaz Knitwear was sold in small high-end boutiques all across the United States.

All through the years I continued to hand knit.  There's nothing like sitting  down. with  2 needles and some yarn and starting a hand knitting project.    Just feeling the  yarn slide  through my fingers gives me an idea of what I want to make..

Not only is hand knitting  fun and  relaxing, but it's therapeutic as well.  Knitting is  a creative way to reduce stress  and anxiety.  it's a quiet meditative activity.  Like piano playing, it's good for keeping your hands and fingers flexible.  Reading and following a knitting pattern is a good to keep your  brain cells active because you're thinking and learning all the time.  Or, if you, like me, make it up as you go along,  those brain cells work overtime.  In the end  you've made something  useful to wear, to give as a gift, to sell or to donate to a charity.
On this web-site I'll share some stories about my Celebrity Knitting, advise you how to get started, explain the basic stitches, share some tips, offer easy to follow instructions for simple projects and show you how to on videos.

Welcome to my world of knitting!